I keep finding myself wanting to write about this, mostly because I have heard about husbands in the labor and delivery room who make the experience awful. Specifically I keep seeing commercials for the TV show "One born every minute" which follows women through the labor and delivery process. For the teaser clip they show a few scenes of the women in the labor and delivery room waiting for the baby to come and it shows the husbands and what they are doing and saying, and they are awful! One man plays around on his phone while his wife has contractions, one man tells his wife that he is bored and that the baby needs to come now. And it causes me to reflect on my experience.
As I mentioned before my epidural failed during my delivery, and it failed right as the transitional contractions were underway. Which means that I was dropped from a relatively pain-free experience right into the worst of it all. Kevin was the first one to realize that I was experiencing pain. And he realized it from the expression on my face. The moment he realized I was in pain he was immediately at my side holding my hand and saying comforting things to me. The next few hours were filled with pain, pushing, crying and a severe wanting on my part for the baby to be out of me so that the pain would stop. And all through it Kevin was at my side, holding my hand, saying comforting things to me. One of my favorite things he said, and kept saying was, "You are so beautiful." And he meant it, I could tell from the expression on his face when he said it. I have heard about women cursing at, screaming at, yelling at, punching, calling names, and many other things to their husbands, but when you have someone sitting there holding your hand, stroking your hair, and telling you that you are beautiful how can you get mad at that person?
As we got into the pushing I had to lean forward with each contraction, grab my legs and push for all I was worth for a count of ten. I was exhausted though, and could barely keep my eyes open let alone lean forward, and grab my legs. Thankfully both Kevin and my mom were there to help me. Kevin stood on one side and my mom on the other and together they would lift me up so that I could grab my legs, then they would help me lower back down and hold my hands after the contraction was over. They both kept telling me to squeeze their hands, but I hardly had the energy for that, I guess I did squeeze their hands hard at some point because I broke open the skin on my mom's hand with my nails at some point, and I almost did the same to Kevin. I probably could have made it through labor without my mom and Kevin, but I don't feel like it. They were a big necessity for me during the whole process. The doctor and the nurse kept telling me to get mad so that I would have more energy for the pushing, but I just couldn't get myself angry, yes I was in pain, but I had such a great support group there helping me that I just couldn't find anger in myself. Either way I got the job done and little David is here. It seems strange to think he has been here a week already. And even stranger to realize that yesterday was his official due date. It is good to have him here, I am so grateful for that little guy.
The I gave birth, before everything really got started Kevin went out to get some things. He came back with two dozen roses and a vase for them. He took of all the thorns when he got to the hospital and then set the flowers up for me. Everyone who came into the room stopped to smell them. The next day my parents came with flowers as well. It is one thing I remember clearly about my mom giving birth to my brother and sister, she got flowers. I am so thankful to both Kevin and my parents for remembering that and making sure I had flowers. They are so wonderful!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
A latch! Nursing strike over?
I just went to feed Davy, I started with a bottle of 2 oz of breast milk that I had pumped today. After he had drank one ounce I burped him a bit and then offered him my left breast in a cradle position (different from the football hold that seemed to traumatize him so much), and he latched on and nursed for about 5 to 10 minutes! I was so happy because this may be the start to the end of the nursing strike. I waited till he unlatched himself and seemed to be done with that breast, then I offered him the other. He latched and sucked for maybe a minute, but then he got fussy and so I took him off to keep him from having more bad experiences with nursing. I gave him a little more of the bottle and then burped him again, he seemed to be done so I held him for a little while, but after not too long he was looking to suck on something again (he likes to eat his hands) I was going to put him down to sleep so I could pump but he started getting so upset that I figured, why not try it? So I put him in the football hold and put him on my right breast, and he latched and ate for about 5 minutes or more on that breast too! Yay! We will see if we can continue this trend, if so it will help out a lot, not only with my milk production but also with all the stress involved in the nursing strike. Who knew I would be so happy over my baby nursing?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Nursing strike, baby blues, and peace at last
Since the second day we had him Davy has been fussier than he was on the first day. At first we thought that it had to do with his circumcision, but when we took him in to his first doctor's appointment on Monday we discovered it was because he was hungry. My milk hadn't come in yet, and he wasn't getting as much nourishment as he needed. The doctor advised us to supplement with formula until my milk supply came in. So we went home and gave him his first bottle. And then my milk came in so I pumped and we gave him some of the pumped breast milk in a bottle, and then later Kevin gave him another bottle of formula, in total he had four bottles of formula/breast milk. Fast forward to 3 am on Tuesday morning, I am sitting in the living room with Davy, trying to get him to take my breast. And he wants nothing of it. One day, one day with bottles ruined it all. I ended up feeding him breast milk in a bottle and then taking all my stress out on Kevin. Poor Kevin. We didn't get back to sleep until about 7 am or so.
Tuesday I spent the day from 9 am to about 5 pm trying to get Davy to take the breast again. But he was having none of it. He screamed, and cried and screamed some more. Scrunched, angry baby face was the Davy face I was coming to know. Finally at 5 pm I had enough, I had done everything. I had called his doctor for help (advice, keep trying), I had looked online (advice, keep trying), I had tried every hold that La Leche League shows, I tried different latch techniques, I tried nursing skin to skin, I tried pumping first to get my milk flowing and then tried to get Davy to nurse, I tried putting milk on my nipple to entice him, I tried every single thing that I could find for advice to get my baby to nurse. And Davy just screamed harder and harder. I knew he was getting really hungry and nothing was working and he was starving.
So I finally broke down and did what Kevin told me all day not to do. I gave him a bottle of pumped milk. I let him drink until he wasn't screaming anymore then took the bottle away and offered my breast, and he latched on and sucked for about 1 minute tops, but he still latched on for the first time since we gave him his first bottle. Yay!! This achievement made me feel happier than it really should have, but it relieved so much stress for me. So now I have been pumping and feeding him off my pumped milk, and at each feeding pulling out the breast and having him sniff it and play with the nipple and sometimes even latch on for a bit. I figure it will take time before he actually nurses from me again, but hopefully it will happen eventually.
In the meantime I had to buy new pumps. The lactation consultant that I called on Tuesday called me back and we talked this morning about Davy's nursing strike and what I can do about it. And she told me I did exactly what I should have done. And that I am doing what I need to do to get him back on the breast. Then we talked about pumps, and I mentioned that my pump was getting about 2 oz from each breast in about an hour's time sometimes two hours. She told me I needed to get a hospital grade pump and that there were a few places I could call to rent one. The pumps she was speaking of were Medela pumps. Which I had thought about buying but hadn't because I couldn't conscience buying a breast pump for that much money. But the rental costs would have added up to that amount in just a few month's time. So today we went to the store and bought an electric Medela pump and a hand held manual Medela pump. On the way home I pumped each breast for 15 min with the hand held manual pump, and I got about 3 1/2 oz total breast milk. So tonight I have put together the electric pump and in a 15 min pump session I got another 4 oz total (2 oz from each breast). What a relief, and how nice that it went so quickly instead of the 2 hours I am used to with my other pump.
So hopefully Davy will eventually get off the nursing strike and get back on my breast, but in the meantime it is nice to finally have a quality pump that does what I need it to and will give Davy the food he needs until he does begin nursing again.
With everything that has been happening, what with Davy crying all the time (which he does much less now that he is getting enough food), and the nursing strike and just the stress of being a new parent, oh and the hormones too, I have been having the baby blues. For the past few days I have been so sleep deprived, so emotionally compromised, and so frustrated that I have basically been on the verge of tears 24/7. It is kind of funny what I find myself crying over. The dance numbers on the show "Live to Dance", commercials, the other night my parents and I watched the movie "Secretariat" and every time the horse ran I cried. Much of my crying has happened while I held Davy and wished that I could do something for him, this resulted in he and I sitting there crying together. It has made Kevin a good bit jumpy as he doesn't know when I am going to have a meltdown next.
Speaking of Kevin, he has been awesome with everything. Yes he has had his tough spots as well, times where he got just as frustrated as I was, but overall he has been very supportive. He has happily helped by holding the baby, changing diapers, taking care of the baby, feeding the baby (with bottles), comforting me when I have a meltdown, listening to me when I get frustrated, called for help when I really needed it (aka. got my parents to come by), and in general staying mostly calm and mostly reasonable through all this. Not all new fathers are like him, I know this. There are some fathers who refuse to change diapers, period. He changed all the diapers for Davy when we were in the hospital. I helped with one, but he was really the one that did them all. He has changed many diapers since we got Davy home as well. It really makes me appreciative for how awesome Kevin is. He really is one of my heroes.
All of this crazy baby stuff seems to finally be calming down a little, enough that I don't feel like I am going crazy anymore. And the little bit of calm makes me feel really good. Much better than I have felt for a while now. I don't think I will be completely ok for awhile still, but for now I will take what I can get.
Tuesday I spent the day from 9 am to about 5 pm trying to get Davy to take the breast again. But he was having none of it. He screamed, and cried and screamed some more. Scrunched, angry baby face was the Davy face I was coming to know. Finally at 5 pm I had enough, I had done everything. I had called his doctor for help (advice, keep trying), I had looked online (advice, keep trying), I had tried every hold that La Leche League shows, I tried different latch techniques, I tried nursing skin to skin, I tried pumping first to get my milk flowing and then tried to get Davy to nurse, I tried putting milk on my nipple to entice him, I tried every single thing that I could find for advice to get my baby to nurse. And Davy just screamed harder and harder. I knew he was getting really hungry and nothing was working and he was starving.
So I finally broke down and did what Kevin told me all day not to do. I gave him a bottle of pumped milk. I let him drink until he wasn't screaming anymore then took the bottle away and offered my breast, and he latched on and sucked for about 1 minute tops, but he still latched on for the first time since we gave him his first bottle. Yay!! This achievement made me feel happier than it really should have, but it relieved so much stress for me. So now I have been pumping and feeding him off my pumped milk, and at each feeding pulling out the breast and having him sniff it and play with the nipple and sometimes even latch on for a bit. I figure it will take time before he actually nurses from me again, but hopefully it will happen eventually.
In the meantime I had to buy new pumps. The lactation consultant that I called on Tuesday called me back and we talked this morning about Davy's nursing strike and what I can do about it. And she told me I did exactly what I should have done. And that I am doing what I need to do to get him back on the breast. Then we talked about pumps, and I mentioned that my pump was getting about 2 oz from each breast in about an hour's time sometimes two hours. She told me I needed to get a hospital grade pump and that there were a few places I could call to rent one. The pumps she was speaking of were Medela pumps. Which I had thought about buying but hadn't because I couldn't conscience buying a breast pump for that much money. But the rental costs would have added up to that amount in just a few month's time. So today we went to the store and bought an electric Medela pump and a hand held manual Medela pump. On the way home I pumped each breast for 15 min with the hand held manual pump, and I got about 3 1/2 oz total breast milk. So tonight I have put together the electric pump and in a 15 min pump session I got another 4 oz total (2 oz from each breast). What a relief, and how nice that it went so quickly instead of the 2 hours I am used to with my other pump.
So hopefully Davy will eventually get off the nursing strike and get back on my breast, but in the meantime it is nice to finally have a quality pump that does what I need it to and will give Davy the food he needs until he does begin nursing again.
With everything that has been happening, what with Davy crying all the time (which he does much less now that he is getting enough food), and the nursing strike and just the stress of being a new parent, oh and the hormones too, I have been having the baby blues. For the past few days I have been so sleep deprived, so emotionally compromised, and so frustrated that I have basically been on the verge of tears 24/7. It is kind of funny what I find myself crying over. The dance numbers on the show "Live to Dance", commercials, the other night my parents and I watched the movie "Secretariat" and every time the horse ran I cried. Much of my crying has happened while I held Davy and wished that I could do something for him, this resulted in he and I sitting there crying together. It has made Kevin a good bit jumpy as he doesn't know when I am going to have a meltdown next.
Speaking of Kevin, he has been awesome with everything. Yes he has had his tough spots as well, times where he got just as frustrated as I was, but overall he has been very supportive. He has happily helped by holding the baby, changing diapers, taking care of the baby, feeding the baby (with bottles), comforting me when I have a meltdown, listening to me when I get frustrated, called for help when I really needed it (aka. got my parents to come by), and in general staying mostly calm and mostly reasonable through all this. Not all new fathers are like him, I know this. There are some fathers who refuse to change diapers, period. He changed all the diapers for Davy when we were in the hospital. I helped with one, but he was really the one that did them all. He has changed many diapers since we got Davy home as well. It really makes me appreciative for how awesome Kevin is. He really is one of my heroes.
All of this crazy baby stuff seems to finally be calming down a little, enough that I don't feel like I am going crazy anymore. And the little bit of calm makes me feel really good. Much better than I have felt for a while now. I don't think I will be completely ok for awhile still, but for now I will take what I can get.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The epidural, it does nothing!!
The last few days have been rather wild. Wednesday was nice. We ran some errands, ate out for the last time without a baby, and then went over to the hospital to check me in for delivery. That night they started my antibiotics for the Strep B and put in the suppository that would thin out my cervix. I slept in the hospital be and Kevin slept in the chair they had for visitors. It was a rough night sleeping for both of us. In the morning I discovered that my suppository had come out on its own. Around seven or eight am they started me on Pitocin which starts the inducement. I started having serious hip pain and got the epidural started at 11:30 am. Around 1:30 pm or so my doctor showed up and broke my water for me. The contractions started and at first I couldn't feel them. Then it seemed that the epidural started to wear off. I began to feel a little pain at first, and then I began to feel the contractions a little and then a little more. Soon I was feeling the full contraction, as if I didn't even have a pain killer in me at all. It hurt, a lot. Kevin was there for me from the beginning, he held my hand and stroked my hair and told me I was beautiful. He was awesome. The anesthesiologist came back and gave me three more doses, which worked for a bit and then faded again. Around 5 pm or so my doctor showed up again and the real fun started. I was feeling the full contractions, except they weren't natural contractions they were pitocin induced contractions. They were so painful. Eventually they got to a point where I felt like I was needing to push. Kevin and my mom helped me by holding my hands and lifting me into position when I needed to push. The nurses seemed surprised at how much I pushed, they called me a "super pusher", I just wanted it all to be over. I got to a point where I kept saying, "I just want him out of me" or, "Can you just grab his head and pull him out?" I really just wanted it all over. I was so tired that I could hardly keep my eyes open during it all. After a lot of pushing David finally came out, it was such a relief. My doctor had to cut me during delivery so that I wouldn't tear, so after everything was done she also had to stitch me up, which I also felt even with the pain killer that the doctor gave me.
While the doctor stitched me up Kevin and my parents took pictures and held David. Eventually all the stitching was done and they allowed me some time with David before they took him for his bath. While he was gone they took me to my post natal room. I got a little bit of sleep last night, and a little bit of sleep today. Looking forward to getting a little bit more if I ever get the chance. Either way Davy is here and we are happy to have him. You can see a link to his birth announcement below.
While the doctor stitched me up Kevin and my parents took pictures and held David. Eventually all the stitching was done and they allowed me some time with David before they took him for his bath. While he was gone they took me to my post natal room. I got a little bit of sleep last night, and a little bit of sleep today. Looking forward to getting a little bit more if I ever get the chance. Either way Davy is here and we are happy to have him. You can see a link to his birth announcement below.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Natural or Induced?
Went to the doctor today and my protein levels were up in my 24 hour urine test. And I had some pre-e symptoms on Sunday. However, the rest of my tests were good and my urine test today came back negative for protein. My doctor said though that she doesn't want to let me go to my delivery date because so far we have been lucky with the pre-e that is has been not really bad, we have been able to get the baby to full term without the pre-e getting bad. So she stripped my membranes which can sometimes start labor. And she scheduled me to be induced on Thursday morning.
So unless I go into labor tonight I will be going to the hospital on Wednesday night to prepare for the induction. Bags are all packed, I am pretty much ready for the hospital, just need to get everything into the car, get the car seat installed in the car and go there tomorrow at 8 pm. I am excited for it to all happen, and yet I am also pretty scared about it all. Tomorrow night the pain begins and doesn't end for quite awhile. Pray that it all goes well. I will probably not be posting again until after the baby is here.
So unless I go into labor tonight I will be going to the hospital on Wednesday night to prepare for the induction. Bags are all packed, I am pretty much ready for the hospital, just need to get everything into the car, get the car seat installed in the car and go there tomorrow at 8 pm. I am excited for it to all happen, and yet I am also pretty scared about it all. Tomorrow night the pain begins and doesn't end for quite awhile. Pray that it all goes well. I will probably not be posting again until after the baby is here.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Appointment and Tests
Yesterday I had another doctor appointment and I had tests run. I got a pee bucket to fill again. At my doctor appointment my urine came back with a +1 protein again for the second time this week. So my doctor said that she is going to look at my 24 hour urine test and if it is getting worse aka. more protein then she is going to induce me. I will be 38 weeks tomorrow and am currently "full term". So next week we should see whether I will be induced or allowed to go into labor naturally. Either way I am fine. I am feeling more ready for Davy to come. This is the update for now.
Monday, January 10, 2011
So Friday night I started to have some stronger contractions and they happened more frequently than usual. Turns out they were Braxton Hick (practice contractions) but they still sort of freaked me out. I spent Saturday getting things together for the hospital. Didn't get everything together, so worked on packing and finding more stuff on Sunday. My biggest problem is that the pajamas nightgown that I got especially for the hospital is nowhere to be found. I have checked every clothes box that Kevin has brought me and looked through all the suitcases that we used for moving clothes from one house to the other. I am going to next have to go through all the clean clothes that Kevin has washed since we have been here. Everything is in such disorder that I feel like I can't find anything, and I am not allowed to move any of the boxes, so that just makes me more frustrated. Last night I finally just got so fed up I grabbed the edge of a box and pulled it off the box it was sitting on.
Last night we did get a lot done though. We finally got our bed up on the frame. It had been laying on the ground because one of the wheels on the frame got lost in the move. Thankfully replacement wheels were cheap. We moved my dresser from one side of the room to the other, and brought the bassinet in. I organized my bedside table, charged both the camcorder and the camera, got them packed and ready to go. All the baby stuff is ready to go as well, except for the car seat. Now it really just comes down to me. I have changes of clothes in there, but I still need change of underwear, probably some socks, and I need to get all my toiletries together. I have most of them together but there are a few things still missing. I also need to get the baby stuff packed in a bag of some sort.
I am a bit nervous that I will go anytime now. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. She is planning on checking the growth, and doing an NST as well as a vaginal exam. I wonder if I have dilated further. I need to ask her a bunch of questions about labor and delivery. Like what frequency of contractions before I got to hospital, what is the exact address for the hospital, is there someone there I can ask about parking and so forth, can I pre-register, etc. Then I really need to see about going on a tour of the hospital. I am hoping I might be able to do that tomorrow. Also I need to get the paperwork together for maternity leave. Ugh and I need to send in the paperwork for the short sale/deed in lieu. Blah, so much to do, so little time. Is it any wonder I want this baby to wait?
Last night we did get a lot done though. We finally got our bed up on the frame. It had been laying on the ground because one of the wheels on the frame got lost in the move. Thankfully replacement wheels were cheap. We moved my dresser from one side of the room to the other, and brought the bassinet in. I organized my bedside table, charged both the camcorder and the camera, got them packed and ready to go. All the baby stuff is ready to go as well, except for the car seat. Now it really just comes down to me. I have changes of clothes in there, but I still need change of underwear, probably some socks, and I need to get all my toiletries together. I have most of them together but there are a few things still missing. I also need to get the baby stuff packed in a bag of some sort.
I am a bit nervous that I will go anytime now. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. She is planning on checking the growth, and doing an NST as well as a vaginal exam. I wonder if I have dilated further. I need to ask her a bunch of questions about labor and delivery. Like what frequency of contractions before I got to hospital, what is the exact address for the hospital, is there someone there I can ask about parking and so forth, can I pre-register, etc. Then I really need to see about going on a tour of the hospital. I am hoping I might be able to do that tomorrow. Also I need to get the paperwork together for maternity leave. Ugh and I need to send in the paperwork for the short sale/deed in lieu. Blah, so much to do, so little time. Is it any wonder I want this baby to wait?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Week 37
Week 37 starts tomorrow. In week 37 I am considered "full term" which means that all of the baby's organs and stuff are fully developed and that the remaining weeks will be used for packing on the ounces of fat.
Last week my doctor had me do a 24 hour urine test (again) to see if protein is still showing up. Protein is still in my urine for the 24 hour tests, but when I go in to see the doctor my urine tests are showing negative for protein. I was also tested for Strep B, and the doctor gave me a vaginal exam. Turns out I am dialated 1 1/2 cm. Strep B results came in this week, turns out I have it, which I kind of figured I did after being told I had it earlier in my pregnancy.
This up coming week I have two appointments with my doctor. The first is on Tuesday and will include an ultrasound (to measure liquid and growth), an NST to check the baby's heartrate and an OB visit that will probably include another vaginal exam.
I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions lately, my doctor said they are normal and shouldn't be a point of concern unless they begin to get regular.
This morning I put together a birth plan that I can take to the hospital with me. I made sure to choose one that said straight out that I have Strep B. Strep B will require that I have antibiotics administered when I go into labor and I want to make sure that the nurses know it. Baby Davy has been moving around a lot, it will be fun to meet him when he comes out.
Plans for the next three weeks:
~I need to pack my hospital bag with all the essentials for labor and delivery.
~I need to make sure I have everything ready to go before the baby comes.
~We need to move the dog kennels out of the baby's room and into the spare room.
~I need to wash the baby clothes in prep for the baby coming.
~I need to look at the e-mail I got from HR regarding maternity leave and look into preparing for that.
~I am not going to be able to make it to the birth class I signed up for so I need to see about touring the hospital before the birth.
~I need to see about cleaning the baby's room before he comes, it is currently a bit of a mess with all the moving.
~I need to clean our room so that we can get the bassinet in there.
~I need to get a baby book set aside so that I can get the baby's foot prints at the hospital. (I am thinking of doing a digital baby book and am wondering about printing off a page for the foot prints)
~I need to put together a list of things that I need to make sure get done while I am in the hospital (things like: naming baby, registering for baby's SSN, meeting with lactation counselor, etc.)
My sister, her husband and my niece Sydney visited these last two weeks, it was fun to see them all but I caught a cold from them. So I have been a bit out of it all. Hopefully I get better before the baby comes. In the meantime I am getting lots of rest (as much as I can) and drinking fluids.
Last week my doctor had me do a 24 hour urine test (again) to see if protein is still showing up. Protein is still in my urine for the 24 hour tests, but when I go in to see the doctor my urine tests are showing negative for protein. I was also tested for Strep B, and the doctor gave me a vaginal exam. Turns out I am dialated 1 1/2 cm. Strep B results came in this week, turns out I have it, which I kind of figured I did after being told I had it earlier in my pregnancy.
This up coming week I have two appointments with my doctor. The first is on Tuesday and will include an ultrasound (to measure liquid and growth), an NST to check the baby's heartrate and an OB visit that will probably include another vaginal exam.
I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions lately, my doctor said they are normal and shouldn't be a point of concern unless they begin to get regular.
This morning I put together a birth plan that I can take to the hospital with me. I made sure to choose one that said straight out that I have Strep B. Strep B will require that I have antibiotics administered when I go into labor and I want to make sure that the nurses know it. Baby Davy has been moving around a lot, it will be fun to meet him when he comes out.
Plans for the next three weeks:
~I need to pack my hospital bag with all the essentials for labor and delivery.
~I need to make sure I have everything ready to go before the baby comes.
~We need to move the dog kennels out of the baby's room and into the spare room.
~I need to wash the baby clothes in prep for the baby coming.
~I need to look at the e-mail I got from HR regarding maternity leave and look into preparing for that.
~I am not going to be able to make it to the birth class I signed up for so I need to see about touring the hospital before the birth.
~I need to see about cleaning the baby's room before he comes, it is currently a bit of a mess with all the moving.
~I need to clean our room so that we can get the bassinet in there.
~I need to get a baby book set aside so that I can get the baby's foot prints at the hospital. (I am thinking of doing a digital baby book and am wondering about printing off a page for the foot prints)
~I need to put together a list of things that I need to make sure get done while I am in the hospital (things like: naming baby, registering for baby's SSN, meeting with lactation counselor, etc.)
My sister, her husband and my niece Sydney visited these last two weeks, it was fun to see them all but I caught a cold from them. So I have been a bit out of it all. Hopefully I get better before the baby comes. In the meantime I am getting lots of rest (as much as I can) and drinking fluids.
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