So Saturday I made a decision, I decided to stop breastfeeding. It was a difficult choice for me, but as Kevin and my mom pointed out, it is not like I am giving up. I breastfed him for almost a year, through quite a few really tough breastfeeding trials. I was put in the hospital twice, I had a breast infection, I was put on medication where I had to pump and dump for two weeks, Davy went on a nursing strike, not to mention the pain that comes with breastfeeding. It has been a tough nine months, but I made it through them. And besides, Davy has basically weaned himself off. Over the last few weeks Davy was less and less interested in nursing during the day and more interested in the bottle. It got to the point where I was only nursing him at night when he woke up. Then on Friday night I went to nurse him at Midnight, he would have none of it. He nursed and then screamed, nursed and then screamed, rinse and repeat about ten times and I finally had enough and got the bottle. He drank the bottle and then went to sleep. It was about 2 am at that point. So Saturday morning I decided that we were finally done. He was no longer really interested in nursing anymore, not during the day or at night. So the breastfeeding days were over.
I kind of miss it though now that the choice is made. Breastfeeding was a bonding time for Davy and me, both of us snuggled up cozy and warm on the rocking chair, both slightly dozing. But all things have to come to an end sometime.
Turns out it was really good timing, today while playing with Davy I felt the beginnings of his first tooth. And considering that teeth were a really big fear of mine in regard to nursing I am glad that we are done. Soon his little toother will pop all the way out and we will move on to a new phase in his life.