In other adventures with Davy, today while at the doctor's office Kevin took Davy out to the waiting room bathroom to change his diaper, when I came out from meeting with the doctor Davy was running around the waiting room waving a diaper. Kevin grabbed it thinking that Davy somehow got to the dirty diaper he had just removed and thrown away. So he throws that diaper away. When we got home (after about four more hours of being out and about in Rockford) we discovered that it wasn't the dirty diaper, instead Davy had ripped the new diaper off his butt and had been commando the entire time. Now his clothes and car seat need a washing and the car needed to be scrubbed. Oh the joy of smart toddlers.
As an update to this, we really don't know how he got it off, his romper was all snapped up, somehow he figured out how to take the diaper off around his clothes.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Butter Lover
Kevin watches Davy in the mornings while I work, we have a baby gate that sections off my office from the rest of the house so that I can keep the door open and not have little visitors show up and get into things. Just a few minutes ago Davy comes to the gate smacking his lips and licking off his fingers he is holding something that looks kind of like a medium rawhide bone, I know that Kevin has been pretty much asleep on the couch so I wonder what he is eating. As I ask Davy "What are you eating?" He holds up the bone-like object, as I walk over to claim it from him I realize it is a stick of butter. Kevin left out a box of butter sticks in the living room and Davy has been eating one. Well I guess that is one way to put some weight on him. I found at least two other sticks of butter as I walked around the living room and cleaned up after Kevin and Davy. I guess we know now whether he likes butter or not.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Watch out!
At the moment Davy is shaking his sippy cup full of water over my faux leather couch, I am having trouble finding the will to care right now because he is also happily babbling to himself and not screaming or crying. Both he and I have been having quite a day. As far as I can tell he has molars coming in and is rather cranky because of it. I gave him some painkiller when we got home from church and that seems to be making things better. My excuse...well I am pregnant and I started back on the progesterone shots today. I don't much like the pain of the shot, or the emotional wreck I become, but it is better than the dizziness of the pills. Today I have been very anti-social and have had a very short fuse. Thankfully, or maybe not so much for him, I have only blown up at Kevin today. Which means that I haven't ruined any relationships with people at church. And Kevin understands that pregnancy sometimes makes me a raging hormonal nightmare. He really is very understanding of all my moods and tempers. I really do applaud him for it. Anyway, together Davy and I are just a lovely little couple of crankybutts. Thankfully we can pretty much hole up at home and ignore the world. Davy is now spitting on the couch. I will probably go over in a bit and wipe it all off, but for now I will just enjoy the peace.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Davy has discovered the word "No" he really started using it on our trip, but since we have been home it has become his canned answer for anything we ask him. "Hey Davy! Are you ready for breakfast?" "No", "Do you want to watch some Diego?" "No", (After a time out) "Are you ready to be nice now?" "No"
I don't think he actually knows what the word means, he just likes saying it, but it does make for some funny conversations. In other news he has also found the joy of spinning around and around until he gets dizzy, it is hilarious to watch him turning circles in the living room and then try to walk afterward. He loves it, he will giggle while doing it. Funny kid. He also has decided to start climbing things he shouldn't. We have made certain things a time out offence, like climbing on object that would get him hurt if he fell off. Overall he is a great kid, and we both love having him in our lives!
I don't think he actually knows what the word means, he just likes saying it, but it does make for some funny conversations. In other news he has also found the joy of spinning around and around until he gets dizzy, it is hilarious to watch him turning circles in the living room and then try to walk afterward. He loves it, he will giggle while doing it. Funny kid. He also has decided to start climbing things he shouldn't. We have made certain things a time out offence, like climbing on object that would get him hurt if he fell off. Overall he is a great kid, and we both love having him in our lives!
Friday, July 13, 2012
New phone
I just got a new iPhone 4 and compared to my tablet it is perfect because now I can talk and actually record a blog entry. I will be able to make a lot more blog entries and it will be a lot easier to record them because all I have to do is talk into my phone and it will record what I'm saying and put it into the blog. So in that line of thinking look for more blog entries from me.
Shots and Stuff
I went in today for another blood test to check out my progesterone levels. When they called me back about my levels they told me that they are taking me off of the shots and putting me on suppositories and a pill that I am to take at 2 pm everyday. As nice as it will be to get off the shots I am not looking forward to the suppositories or the pills. I suppose we will see how it effects everything.
Owing to the way the internet is these days I did not post anything regarding the vacation we just got back from until now, so that our house would not be ransacked or anything. So let's sum up the last few weeks.
Before our trip I went in for my 12 week ultrasound and then went in the following Tuesday for my first appointment with my regular OB. At the 12 week ultrasound we got to see the baby move and had a rather cute ultrasound that Kevin did not get to see much of because Davy decided to throw a fit. Thankfully we got a CD of the ultrasound. I also had blood work run which came back saying that I needed to continue my progesterone in oil shots. Yay! (sarcasm) Knowing I was just about to go on a two week vacation I ordered up about three weeks worth of the stuff.
The next week we spent cleaning the house and getting ready for the vacation. By Thursday afternoon we were ready early and packed up our car and headed out. We ended up in Utah by Friday afternoon. We drove straight through and I have to say that Davy did great! We were treated to food and then were allowed to sleep while Kevin's dad and brother watched Davy. Saturday we bounced around with Dad Sampson and got to see and visit with a good amount of Kevin's sister Kierstin's kids, three of them are not really kids anymore. My oldest niece will be having her first child before I have the baby I am pregnant with. Crazy! Our niece Ashley was out to see a friend get married so we got to visit with her for a bit, our nephew Robby went through the temple in preparation of going on his mission, we had expired recommends and ended up spending time with his little sister Abby while he went through. Sunday we went to church and visited with family.
Monday we left Orem, UT early-ish and first visited with our friend Janet and her three kids, we also got to visit with her husband Wyatt when he got home from work. Then we went and visited with our friend Brandon and his son and then his wife Tiffany when she got home from work. Then we went to our friend Julie's house for a bar-barque, Janet and Wyatt and their kids, Brandon and Tiffany and their son, and our friend Jessica (Cat) and her two kids also showed up as well. We had a fantastic time visiting with friends and I wish we could have had more time with them all.
Monday night we drove over to Kevin's sister Lisa's house and stayed the night, then we spent Tuesday with her and her family. We did a lot with them but it felt really nice and relaxed. We spent Tuesday night with them as well.
Wednesday morning we packed up and headed down to Salt Lake where we met up with our friend Emily. It was so good to see Emily. It has been far too long since we saw her last. We spent a good amount of time hanging out with her and then we got in contact with our friend Norah. Emily, Kevin's brother Steve and Kevin and I met up with Norah and her boyfriend at a fantastic pizza place near where we used to live. We all visited and ate pizza and then when we were done Norah went to see her dad and we dragged Emily with us to Kevin's parents house for a 4th of July get together. While Kevin visited with family Emily and I sat on a large swing that is in the yard there and visited for quite awhile. It was fantastic! Eventually Emily had to go and visit with family too. Kevin went to Stadium of Fire with his dad and some other family members, I stayed with Davy and we watched fireworks with family in Kevin's parent's yard. It was fun!
Thursday we left for Washington with Kevin's dad and Kevin's brother, we got to his sister Lori's house Thursday night. Her kids were wound up, as well as Davy, but I was worn out and wanted bed. After some mattress malfunctions I finally got to bed and got some decent sleep. Friday Kevin and Steve took the kids to a splash park for some water fun while Lori and I did some shopping. Steve left about midday to go meet up with some of his friends. It was a busy day what with a doctor appointment for Lori's new baby Amber as well as it also being Kevin's parent's anniversary. Saturday Kevin and I made a large batch of chicken salad and spent the day with Lori's family again. In the evening Lori and I watched a movie and then at the end of it I watched a UFC fight with Kevin and Lori's husband Nate.
Sunday we packed everything up again and drove back to Orem. Monday we went down to Tooele, UT and visited with Kevin's sister Kierstin and her family. Monday night we got things together for leaving for home. Tuesday morning we got everything back into the car and left for Illinois again. I think everyone was ready to be done with traveling. We arrived home at about 10 am on Wednesday, thankfully my parents were willing to watch Davy for us so we could get some sleep after the drive. All in all it was a very good trip, we got to see a lot of people we haven't seen in quite some time and we had a lot of fun. However, I must say that it is very nice to sleep in my own bed again.
Some things Davy learned to do on the trip. Give kisses, say "no" in relation to things other than "Go Diego Go", he actually started doing this when we would put him in his car seat, he would say, "No, no, no, no, no." I felt bad because it was obvious that he did not want to be in his car seat anymore. Poor little guy. I think he had a pretty good time too. He loved playing with all the new people, and had a lot of fun with all their kids.
Before our trip I went in for my 12 week ultrasound and then went in the following Tuesday for my first appointment with my regular OB. At the 12 week ultrasound we got to see the baby move and had a rather cute ultrasound that Kevin did not get to see much of because Davy decided to throw a fit. Thankfully we got a CD of the ultrasound. I also had blood work run which came back saying that I needed to continue my progesterone in oil shots. Yay! (sarcasm) Knowing I was just about to go on a two week vacation I ordered up about three weeks worth of the stuff.
The next week we spent cleaning the house and getting ready for the vacation. By Thursday afternoon we were ready early and packed up our car and headed out. We ended up in Utah by Friday afternoon. We drove straight through and I have to say that Davy did great! We were treated to food and then were allowed to sleep while Kevin's dad and brother watched Davy. Saturday we bounced around with Dad Sampson and got to see and visit with a good amount of Kevin's sister Kierstin's kids, three of them are not really kids anymore. My oldest niece will be having her first child before I have the baby I am pregnant with. Crazy! Our niece Ashley was out to see a friend get married so we got to visit with her for a bit, our nephew Robby went through the temple in preparation of going on his mission, we had expired recommends and ended up spending time with his little sister Abby while he went through. Sunday we went to church and visited with family.
Monday we left Orem, UT early-ish and first visited with our friend Janet and her three kids, we also got to visit with her husband Wyatt when he got home from work. Then we went and visited with our friend Brandon and his son and then his wife Tiffany when she got home from work. Then we went to our friend Julie's house for a bar-barque, Janet and Wyatt and their kids, Brandon and Tiffany and their son, and our friend Jessica (Cat) and her two kids also showed up as well. We had a fantastic time visiting with friends and I wish we could have had more time with them all.
Monday night we drove over to Kevin's sister Lisa's house and stayed the night, then we spent Tuesday with her and her family. We did a lot with them but it felt really nice and relaxed. We spent Tuesday night with them as well.
Wednesday morning we packed up and headed down to Salt Lake where we met up with our friend Emily. It was so good to see Emily. It has been far too long since we saw her last. We spent a good amount of time hanging out with her and then we got in contact with our friend Norah. Emily, Kevin's brother Steve and Kevin and I met up with Norah and her boyfriend at a fantastic pizza place near where we used to live. We all visited and ate pizza and then when we were done Norah went to see her dad and we dragged Emily with us to Kevin's parents house for a 4th of July get together. While Kevin visited with family Emily and I sat on a large swing that is in the yard there and visited for quite awhile. It was fantastic! Eventually Emily had to go and visit with family too. Kevin went to Stadium of Fire with his dad and some other family members, I stayed with Davy and we watched fireworks with family in Kevin's parent's yard. It was fun!
Thursday we left for Washington with Kevin's dad and Kevin's brother, we got to his sister Lori's house Thursday night. Her kids were wound up, as well as Davy, but I was worn out and wanted bed. After some mattress malfunctions I finally got to bed and got some decent sleep. Friday Kevin and Steve took the kids to a splash park for some water fun while Lori and I did some shopping. Steve left about midday to go meet up with some of his friends. It was a busy day what with a doctor appointment for Lori's new baby Amber as well as it also being Kevin's parent's anniversary. Saturday Kevin and I made a large batch of chicken salad and spent the day with Lori's family again. In the evening Lori and I watched a movie and then at the end of it I watched a UFC fight with Kevin and Lori's husband Nate.
Sunday we packed everything up again and drove back to Orem. Monday we went down to Tooele, UT and visited with Kevin's sister Kierstin and her family. Monday night we got things together for leaving for home. Tuesday morning we got everything back into the car and left for Illinois again. I think everyone was ready to be done with traveling. We arrived home at about 10 am on Wednesday, thankfully my parents were willing to watch Davy for us so we could get some sleep after the drive. All in all it was a very good trip, we got to see a lot of people we haven't seen in quite some time and we had a lot of fun. However, I must say that it is very nice to sleep in my own bed again.
Some things Davy learned to do on the trip. Give kisses, say "no" in relation to things other than "Go Diego Go", he actually started doing this when we would put him in his car seat, he would say, "No, no, no, no, no." I felt bad because it was obvious that he did not want to be in his car seat anymore. Poor little guy. I think he had a pretty good time too. He loved playing with all the new people, and had a lot of fun with all their kids.
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