Thursday, July 19, 2012


Davy has discovered the word "No" he really started using it on our trip, but since we have been home it has become his canned answer for anything we ask him. "Hey Davy! Are you ready for breakfast?" "No", "Do you want to watch some Diego?" "No", (After a time out) "Are you ready to be nice now?" "No"

I don't think he actually knows what the word means, he just likes saying it, but it does make for some funny conversations. In other news he has also found the joy of spinning around and around until he gets dizzy, it is hilarious to watch him turning circles in the living room and then try to walk afterward. He loves it, he will giggle while doing it. Funny kid. He also has decided to start climbing things he shouldn't. We have made certain things a time out offence, like climbing on object that would get him hurt if he fell off. Overall he is a great kid, and we both love having him in our lives!

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