Friday, January 12, 2018


It is strange to watch time go by. Years which passed so slowly as a child now pass so quickly. You sleep, then wake then sleep again. Days pass, weeks pass, months pass and soon another year is gone. Childhood seems like it was yesterday, just a few years ago. But in reality, I left it over 18 years ago. 18 years, I left childhood an entire childhood ago. How did time pass so quickly when childhood seemed to go so slowly. Those early years, which seemed so important at the time, and now they are gone. My son turns 7 in just a few days and I wonder where the time has gone. My daughter is now 5, and I wonder how she got so old so fast. Their first years were so full of worry, and now they are both out of the super worry stage. Now on to the next stage of life. Sometimes I look back on a day and think, well that was a failed day, I guess I will make it up tomorrow. But life is made up of days that become years. I need to focus on the days more so that the years don't become wasted.

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