Last night Kevin and I started discussing diaper bags. I asked him if he would be willing to carry around a diaper bag. He said, "Only as long as it doesn't look stupid or pretty, if you make sure it looks ok with no flowers and stuff on it then I will probably be fine with carrying one around."
Thus started our grand design to have a "Diaper Bag of Holding" created. For those unfamiliar with this let me explain. In the game of Dungeons and Dragons you can have all sorts of gear for your characters. One of the most useful items is a bag of holding. These bags basically open into an alternate demension or a pocket in space. The premise of the bags is that you can pretty much hold anything and everything. Think of Mary Poppins' bag.
Anyway, the website Think Geek offers a bag of holding, but what we really need is a diaper bag of holding. So we are setting out to see what can be done. If it all works we will have a diaper bag that Kevin is comfortable carrying that screams out our geekyness the whole world over.
Depending on how much it might cost the bag will probably look like this:
Have you found anything like that yet?? We have had a similar conversation, but surprisingly, the "diaper bag of holding" does not exist yet. Or that I have found.