I can't remember, but I am pretty I haven't told you all about my new pillow. Awhile ago, I can't remember how long, probably about a week and a half or so, Kevin and I were at Aldi, for those of you who don't have an Aldi near you or have no idea what one is.
Aldi is a grocery store, Aldi originally started in Germany but their layout and set up is so genius, Aldi is a store that uses minimums to keep their prices low. The store is run by maybe 10 employees tops. And most of those employees double as cashiers. All the items for sale are put out right in the boxes they came in, and sometimes you have to open a box to get at the next group of items. Cuts down on stocking. The carts require a quarter to use. You put in a quarter and it unlocks the cart, then you can take the cart around and when done you re-lock your cart and get your quarter back. Cuts down on carts being stolen, you don't need cart corrals or cart boys because the customers return their own carts so they can get their quarter back. And if the customers are lazy then usually some enterprizing kid will return the carts for the quarter they get. Aldi doesn't provide bags for free, if you want a bag you can pay for one, or you can use the boxes that the products come in as your bags. Cuts down on having to dispose of boxes or even of getting the boxes out of the way for products, because customers do it for you. And because of all of this Aldi can keep their prices low, and the quality of their food up. You can get some good stuff at Aldi.
But enough about that, so we were at Aldi the other day and I saw these awesome cilindrical body pillows. They were soft, they were fluffy, they were only $9.99. So I asked Kevin if I could get one. I have been looking at pregnancy pillows lately and hadn't gotten any yet because of the price. After some negotiation he finally agreed. And boy am I glad he did. So far I have been using the pillow every night. I place one end between my knees and drape my arm over the other end. My back pains have basically gone away. As a pregnant woman I am supposed to sleep on my sides, my left side if possible, but my right side is ok for short periods of time. But I am a back sleeper, sleeping on my back makes my back feel the best. And since I have had chronic back pains since about 2003 I always go for things that make my back feel better.
So having a way to sleep on my sides without it hurting me come morning is a wonderful thing. Kevin now regrets the decision though, because the pillow takes up so much space on the bed. But it makes me happy and my back feel good and that is all that matters to me right now.
On to dates. Because we have had some questions from family about when certain things are going to happen, such as ultrasounds and such I figure I will post some of the dates that are coming up.
August 14th - The start of my 16th week, this is when one of my friends stopped being nauseous, maybe I will be as lucky. It would make a nice birthday present. (August 13 being my birthday)This is also the week where I "might" start to feel the baby move.
August 19th - My next doctor's appointment. At this appointment I should find out when my doctor wants me to have my ultrasound, this ultrasound will be the one that should show what gender the baby is.
September 11th - What a day to start my 20th week, but there it is. Sometime during my 20th week is when I will have my ultrasound that will show the gender of the baby. This is also the week when most first time mothers begin to feel the baby, who knows when it might happen, earlier or later. This is around midway point.
That is where we are currently with the baby stuff.
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