This weekend I was able to have a voice chat with my sister, except I could not find my microphone so she talked and I typed. While we talked she informed me that it had been four days since I had last posted a baby post, and that she was yearning for her fix. So here we go.
This Saturday started week 17, the nausea is getting better but not going away, this morning I almost threw up again, and last night too, but my jedi mind tricks are keeping it all down so far. From what the different websites say I should start to feel movement soon, either this week or in the next three or four weeks. I think I may have been feeling something, but I am not completely sure.
We recently got BellyBuds which is a sound playing device that will allow us to play music and voice messages to the baby while it is in the womb. I sent out an invite to my parents, Kevin's parents, and my sister and brother. So far only my sister has made any messages for the baby. Five in fact and all of them awesome! In about three of them there is Sariah (my sister) and sometimes Sydney talking, and in two of them we have Sydney singing the baby a song (Twinkle Twinkle little star, and Frere Jacques), so cute!
In about two weeks my ultrasound happens and we (hopefully) find out what gender we are having. Exciting stuff!
Yesterday Kevin was talking to me and he says, "What day of the week did you have your Irish Dance lessons?"
Me: Saturday
Him: Ok, I was trying to figure out how this will work, because Milwaukee is quite a ways away.
It is a funny little conversation to have. Kevin and I have had discussions about what we would like our kids involved in as they grow up. Kevin would like to get all the kids involved in martial arts, no matter the gender. Recently he saw a video of a girl who gets into an elevator and is followed in by a guy (the video is from the elevator camera), the guy proceeds to try and attack her as if to rape her, the girl supplexes (a Greco Roman wrestling move) the guy and when the elevator doors open the guy runs out chased by the girl as if she is going to kick his butt. He likes the idea of one of our daughters being able to protect herself in that way if needed. He also likes the idea of any boy we have being able to protect himself as well. My only rule about it all is that all martial arts will be practiced only at the dojo, none at home. And we would also like to get the girls and maybe the boys into Irish Dance.
I was in Irish Dance when I was in my Senior year of high school and I loved it. I really wished I had gotten into it sooner in life. I think it would be a lot of fun for any girls we have and possibly for any boys we have. I say boys because I saw the reception the boys in our dance school got and everyone loved them, people cheered them more than the girls, and the air they got, dang. Anyway, it was a fun conversation to have with Kevin, considering that we have talked about it before. It is neat to see him planning things out in his head.
Kevin is funny, most of the time he acts like the whole pregancy, baby thing isn't really much of anything to him, and then every so often he will make a comment that makes me realize, "Wow, he really does think about the baby quite often."
Today I went online and looked at some cribs, I even put a few on my Amazon wishlist. They had some on sale and the prices for some were really good considering. Depending on how long the sale lasts we may end up getting one in the near future. We will see.
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