My first ultrasound will be on May 18th, I will be 7 weeks along at that point. Hopefully I will also be able to find out whether I am having twins or not. I am still on the progesterone shots and will probably be on them until I am about 10 weeks along, that is quite a bit of time still. The progesterone is making my backside numb in the areas where I have gotten the shot. The nurse said this is normal. It is a good bit weird but it also tends to work out well because in some areas Kevin doesn't even need to worry about hurting me because I can not feel the needle even go in anymore.
In other news I have been dealing with back pain like crazy, my neck and shoulders are super tense and have been sending jolts of pain down my arms. I have been feeling morning sickness for weeks now but have not yet gotten to the point of throwing up. I am kind of happy for that. It is kind of weird, I have basically told everyone about our pregnancy, except the people at work. I probably will not tell them until I hit the "safe" zone where miscarriage is pretty much not going to happen. And they wont really notice since I don't come in very often.
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