Saturday, May 12, 2012

My body makes no sense

Pregnancy, it comes with all the happy fun symptoms. Back pain, hip pain, breast pain, pain when your uterus stretches, leg pain...why do I feel like there is a common theme here? Oh there is also moodiness (so you become a pain to others), and tiredness, and forgetfulness, I forgetting something here? Oh yes! The most famous (or infamous) symptom of all, Morning Sickness. Although, as any pregnant woman who has experienced morning sickness knows, it does not only come in the morning. It comes at all times of the day. So here you are, your body is telling you that you are starving. So you go to get food, but your stomach is telling you that pretty much any food you make for yourself will make you hurl it up in the face of any offending person who comes your way, or if that fails into the toilet, sink or whatever receptical you can find. And yet you are hungry, ravenously hungry. So you go to make some food, and now your new and improved super sniffer comes into play. Suddenly the food that you thought might work now smells like last week's garbage (well not really but that is what your stomach is telling you it smells like) and now the food is no longer an option. So you find some small but scentless food option and eat it before that sickness becomes too much and you do end up vomiting. And the morning sickness goes away for a short while. Because though the morning sickness can sometimes be banned by food if you don't eat enough it can sometimes come back, very quickly.

So here to come down to the title, my body makes no sense. One would think that to keep from feeling sick you would stay away from offending items, but those items help keep the sickness away, but only sometimes and only for just so long.

Either way, I have been plenty nauseous this go round, but not vomiting yet. I take that as a good sign and will try not to tempt fate. And in the mean time I will try to find ways to inflict less pain (yeah right) and eat what I can.

1 comment:

  1. I had nausea, but not too bad. This week, I feel your pain. I got the stomach flu and still can't stand the smell of the delicious lasagna I made earlier this week. My husband just heated up the last of it... thank goodness.

    Happy Mothers Day to you!!!
