Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Toddler Bed

Monday night Davy did something that I was not expecting. It was bed time and we were getting him ready for bed. I went to get a book to read to him and he was running free in his bedroom. Before I could scoop him up and sit in the rocking chair with him he had run over and climbed up on his toddler bed. He had never taken an interest in sleeping in his toddler bed before. He had climbed up on it and played on it and sat on it and stood on it but never had he acted like he wanted to sleep in it. Kevin and I have been working on getting the room toddler-proofed in preparation for him to start sleeping in it, and so far the room is basically there. There are a few things I would like to have set up, but they are not absolute necessities. So Monday night we decided that we would let him try out sleeping in his toddler bed. We read him his book on the bed and then tucked him in, turned off the light and closed the door. Before going to bed we checked on him, he was asleep on the floor beside his bed, so we picked him up and put him back in bed. In the morning I heard him fall out of the bed and went to get him. But overall he did pretty good. I gave him the "big boy blanket" that I had made out of his crib bumpers, we made up the bed with the blanket and tucked it in under the mattress to make it more secure.

Last night I decided to let him sleep in his toddler bed again. We went through his bedtime routine and I tucked him in and put him to bed. He cried this time and I was worried that he would crawl out of bed and I would have to put him back in it. But when I checked on him later in the night he had fallen asleep in his bed under his new blanket. I tucked him in a little better since he had moved a bit while he slept. In the morning when he woke up and Kevin went to get him he was still in his bed playing.

This is a rather exciting development for us! I knew that we needed to get Davy into a toddler bed soon. The baby will be able to sleep just so long in her bassinet before she grows out of it and will need to move to the crib. I wanted to get Davy moved into his toddler bed before that happened and get him settled and used to sleeping in it. The fact that he took the initiative to start sleeping in it makes everything much easier. The fact that he is staying in his bed even when he doesn't want to go to bed make me feel better about the whole thing. Now I just need to get Kevin to finish the last few changes to the room and I will be happy with everything. It is strange to realize that my little boy is growing up and has moved out of his crib and into a big boy bed finally.

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