Sunday, July 22, 2012

Watch out!

At the moment Davy is shaking his sippy cup full of water over my faux leather couch, I am having trouble finding the will to care right now because he is also happily babbling to himself and not screaming or crying. Both he and I have been having quite a day. As far as I can tell he has molars coming in and is rather cranky because of it. I gave him some painkiller when we got home from church and that seems to be making things better. My excuse...well I am pregnant and I started back on the progesterone shots today. I don't much like the pain of the shot, or the emotional wreck I become, but it is better than the dizziness of the pills. Today I have been very anti-social and have had a very short fuse. Thankfully, or maybe not so much for him, I have only blown up at Kevin today. Which means that I haven't ruined any relationships with people at church. And Kevin understands that pregnancy sometimes makes me a raging hormonal nightmare. He really is very understanding of all my moods and tempers. I really do applaud him for it. Anyway, together Davy and I are just a lovely little couple of crankybutts. Thankfully we can pretty much hole up at home and ignore the world. Davy is now spitting on the couch. I will probably go over in a bit and wipe it all off, but for now I will just enjoy the peace.

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