Friday, February 17, 2012


Davy has been walking with assistance since January 2nd of this year, however as for walking on his own he hasn't really done much. Every so often he would go short distances, like from Daddy to Mommy and back, but extended walks on his own, not so much. Instead he has preferred to hold our hand while he walks around. In fact this has been his favorite activity for quite a while. I knew he would eventually find his courage and start walking on his own, but as the time passed Kevin got more and more anxious for Davy to be walking. So much so that just yesterday morning he asked me to see if I could find exercises or techniques we could use to get Davy to walk on his own. But that was not at all necessary because Davy started walking on his own yesterday afternoon. Kevin was practicing with him on walking and Davy just started taking off. Then when Davy and I went to Nana and Grandpa's house last night after Daddy went to work Davy walked all over their house. He is a walking maniac! He hasn't figured out how to get up after he falls down, so he just crawls over to something and pulls himself up and then goes walking again, but again, I am sure it is something he will figure out soon. In the meantime though we now have a toddler, and a proud Daddy.

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