Monday, October 4, 2010

Kick, kick

Little David has been kicking a lot lately. It has been fun to feel him moving around. Yesterday I ended up dealing with another of the fun parts of being pregnant, gas pains! 7 hours straight of gas pain before it began to go away. Not a lot of fun.

This Saturday is my baby shower, I am pretty excited about it, especially because I have invited a few people who I haven't seen in forever and I am hoping that I will be able to see them! I figured out all my doctor stuff for Rochelle and have my first doctor's appointment out there on Friday. I think I may sign up for some classes out there as well.

Last night Kevin had insomnia, so he ended up coming to bed around 3:30 am, at that moment David was kicking, so I put Kevin's hand on my belly and let him feel David move, he thought it was pretty neat to feel our baby moving around. I have heard that babies tend to have the same sleep schedule when they are born that they had in the womb. Not sure how I feel about that considering that I have felt him moving at Midnight and at different times throughout the night. Please no taking after daddy and having super all night insomnia! Mommy wants some sleep when you come!

I do get the feeling though that he will probably take after daddy with hot foods, I have had a craving for hot foods all pregnancy long. At least Kevin will have someone else in our family to eat his super hot chili with him when he makes it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Kevin will get the night time duty once David is born! Isn't it magical to feel the baby kick inside? I always loved that...
