Friday, January 28, 2011

A latch! Nursing strike over?

I just went to feed Davy, I started with a bottle of 2 oz of breast milk that I had pumped today. After he had drank one ounce I burped him a bit and then offered him my left breast in a cradle position (different from the football hold that seemed to traumatize him so much), and he latched on and nursed for about 5 to 10 minutes! I was so happy because this may be the start to the end of the nursing strike. I waited till he unlatched himself and seemed to be done with that breast, then I offered him the other. He latched and sucked for maybe a minute, but then he got fussy and so I took him off to keep him from having more bad experiences with nursing. I gave him a little more of the bottle and then burped him again, he seemed to be done so I held him for a little while, but after not too long he was looking to suck on something again (he likes to eat his hands) I was going to put him down to sleep so I could pump but he started getting so upset that I figured, why not try it? So I put him in the football hold and put him on my right breast, and he latched and ate for about 5 minutes or more on that breast too! Yay! We will see if we can continue this trend, if so it will help out a lot, not only with my milk production but also with all the stress involved in the nursing strike. Who knew I would be so happy over my baby nursing?

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