Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 37

Week 37 starts tomorrow. In week 37 I am considered "full term" which means that all of the baby's organs and stuff are fully developed and that the remaining weeks will be used for packing on the ounces of fat.

Last week my doctor had me do a 24 hour urine test (again) to see if protein is still showing up. Protein is still in my urine for the 24 hour tests, but when I go in to see the doctor my urine tests are showing negative for protein. I was also tested for Strep B, and the doctor gave me a vaginal exam. Turns out I am dialated 1 1/2 cm. Strep B results came in this week, turns out I have it, which I kind of figured I did after being told I had it earlier in my pregnancy.

This up coming week I have two appointments with my doctor. The first is on Tuesday and will include an ultrasound (to measure liquid and growth), an NST to check the baby's heartrate and an OB visit that will probably include another vaginal exam.

I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions lately, my doctor said they are normal and shouldn't be a point of concern unless they begin to get regular.

This morning I put together a birth plan that I can take to the hospital with me. I made sure to choose one that said straight out that I have Strep B. Strep B will require that I have antibiotics administered when I go into labor and I want to make sure that the nurses know it. Baby Davy has been moving around a lot, it will be fun to meet him when he comes out.

Plans for the next three weeks:
~I need to pack my hospital bag with all the essentials for labor and delivery.
~I need to make sure I have everything ready to go before the baby comes.
~We need to move the dog kennels out of the baby's room and into the spare room.
~I need to wash the baby clothes in prep for the baby coming.
~I need to look at the e-mail I got from HR regarding maternity leave and look into preparing for that.
~I am not going to be able to make it to the birth class I signed up for so I need to see about touring the hospital before the birth.
~I need to see about cleaning the baby's room before he comes, it is currently a bit of a mess with all the moving.
~I need to clean our room so that we can get the bassinet in there.
~I need to get a baby book set aside so that I can get the baby's foot prints at the hospital. (I am thinking of doing a digital baby book and am wondering about printing off a page for the foot prints)
~I need to put together a list of things that I need to make sure get done while I am in the hospital (things like: naming baby, registering for baby's SSN, meeting with lactation counselor, etc.)

My sister, her husband and my niece Sydney visited these last two weeks, it was fun to see them all but I caught a cold from them. So I have been a bit out of it all. Hopefully I get better before the baby comes. In the meantime I am getting lots of rest (as much as I can) and drinking fluids.

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