Friday, November 30, 2012

Uh oh

Lately Davy has been saying a lot more. For some reason he calls milk "nose" but when he wants milk he will run to the baby gate and say "nose", he will ask for goldfish crackers by pointing to the box and saying "fish", and just today he started saying, "Uh oh, where did it go?" when looking for a toy. What was really funny about this is that he would hide a toy or throw a toy or lose a toy and then walk around saying, "Uh oh, where did it go?" Not only is it super cute but it is one of the longest sentences I have heard him say so far.

Today he threw two sippy cups into our spare room and counted them as he threw them. One, kid. One of his favorite songs right now is the ABC song. He knows all his letters already but he loves to sing the song with me, and is beginning to get the hang of singing his letters instead of saying them. He also loves a counting song from one of the shows he watches. It is pretty cute.

On the pregnancy front, so far everything has been going well, I just can't believe that December starts soon and that I basically have just a little over a month before my due date. So crazy.

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