Sunday, September 19, 2010


So the ultrasound was on Friday. It went really well. Our ultrasound tech was a guy, which was interesting because we are used to having women techs. But it went really well. He checked the amount of amniotic fluid in my uterus and then had me empty my bladder, which was a relief! Then he started measuring the baby. Turns out the baby was at 21 weeks and 4 days for size, which was very close to where we were at that point, we were on the last day of my 20th week.

The tech showed us the head and the arms and the legs and we discovered that the baby is now no longer an it but now we know that the baby is a little boy. A very little boy right now, but he will grow. It was a BIG surprise for both Kevin and I because we both thought that the baby was a girl. Having proof in a picture makes it undeniable though. We are planning on naming him David Isaac, but we may change that to Isaac David. We will have to see. What is funny is that while the tech was showing us the gender Kevin goes, "That is David." and the tech says, "You are planning on naming him David?" and Kevin says, "Yep." and the tech says, "That's my name." He had been talking about his son (a 6 month old baby) and told us that his baby's middle name is David. And I said, "Wait, so your baby is Isaac David, and our baby will be David Isaac." It was a pretty neat coincidence.

I am still trying to wrap my brain around it, I have been thinking girl for so long that I now have to do a mental switch to a boy. I think I may talk Kevin into going to stores tomorrow to do baby registries with me, putting a bunch of boy stuff on my registries will help me flip the switch to boy. It is exciting to know more about our baby!

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